To sponge bathe a newborn, follow these steps: 1. Gather supplies like a soft washcloth, mild soap, and towel. 2. Undress baby and lay them on a flat surface. 3. Dip washcloth in warm water, wring out excess, and gently wipe baby's face, neck, body, and diaper area. 4. Dry with a soft towel.

One of the most important tasks for parents is to ensure the baby remains clean and hygienic to prevent any infections. A sponge bath is a great way to clean a newborn baby without exposing them to water for extended periods. A sponge bath is safe, gentle, and calming for your little one.

Before we begin, it's essential to note that sponge baths are recommended until the baby's umbilical cord stump falls off. Once this happens, you may introduce the baby to a proper bath in a baby tub. Here you can find some great baby bath tubs.

It's also important to have all the necessary tools and supplies required for a newborn sponge bath, such as a clean diaper, warm water, tear-free baby shampoo, clean clothes, a soft sponge, and a towel.

best baby bath tub

Getting Started

Newborn babies don't need frequent baths in baby bathtubs, so you don't have to sponge bathe your baby every day. Two to three sponge baths a week are sufficient in keeping your baby clean. Choose a warm and comfortable space to sponge bathe your baby, like a changing table or a bed covered with a waterproof mat.

Undress your baby and wrap them in a towel or blanket. Leave only their diaper on. This will keep them warm and cozy while you wash their face and head.

Cleaning Your Baby's Head and Face

Dip the washcloth or sponge in the warm water and wring it out. Start by gently wiping your baby's hair and face with a damp sponge, taking care not to get water in the baby's eyes or ears. Start from the inner corner of one eye and move outward.

Use a different part of the cloth for the other eye. Then, wipe their nose, cheeks, forehead, chin, ears and neck. You don't need to use soap for their face unless it is very dirty.

If your baby has hair, wet it with the washcloth or sponge and apply a small amount of tear-free baby shampoo. Massage it gently into their scalp and rinse it with the cloth or sponge. Be careful not to get any shampoo in their eyes or ears.

Dry your baby's face and head with a clean towel. If you want, you can use a soft brush or comb to groom their hair.

Sponge Bath Your Baby's Body


Begin by undressing your baby and wrapping them in a towel to keep them warm. Dip the soft sponge in warm water and gently squeeze it over the baby's body. Clean the baby's arms first followed by their legs, chest, back, and diaper area.

Mild Baby Soap

You can use mild soap or baby shampoo to clean your baby's body. For cleaning your baby's diaper area, ensure that you clean gently and do not use too much pressure.

Be Thorough

Pay special attention to the folds of their skin, such as under their arms, behind their ears, between their fingers and toes, and around their genitals and anus.

Diaper Area

It is recommended to clean the diaper area last using clean warm water. When cleaning a baby girl's diaper area, it is important to be gentle and wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from the anus spreading to other areas.

The same applies to a baby boy; however, it's important to take extra care when washing an uncircumcised boy's penis and genital area, making sure to avoid pulling back the foreskin.


Rinse your baby with plain water using the pitcher or cup. Make sure you remove all the soap from their skin.

And if you are wondering how often you should bathe your baby, read our post.

How to Care for Your Baby's Umbilical Cord Stump

Until your baby's umbilical cord falls off, it's essential to keep it clean and dry to prevent infections. Gently clean the area around the stump with a soft sponge using warm water and mild soap. Ensure that you pat the area dry with a dry towel after cleaning.

Finishing up

After sponge bathing your baby, wrap them in a clean towel and dry them thoroughly. Dry them with a towel, patting their delicate skin gently.

Be gentle and avoid rubbing as this could irritate your baby's skin. Apply lotion or baby powder if required, put on a clean diaper, and dress your baby in clean clothes.

Why is it important to bathe a newborn baby?

Bathing your newborn baby is essential for several reasons;

Keep Them Clean and Hygienic

As a new parent, one of your most important tasks is to keep your baby clean and hygienic to prevent any infections. A sponge bath is a great way to clean your baby, without exposing them to water for extended periods. A sponge bath is safe, gentle, and calming for your little one.

Help Them Sleep

Bathing your newborn can also help them sleep better. Newborn babies often find it challenging to sleep, as they have to adjust to their new surroundings outside the womb. A warm bath can help to relax your baby and soothe them to sleep, which can be particularly helpful during the night.

Strengthen Your Bond

Bathing your newborn can be a great way to bond with them. Skin-to-skin contact is particularly important for newborns, and bathing can provide an ideal opportunity to connect with your baby. Some parents use this time as a moment of relaxation and bonding as they share stories or play with their babies gently.


Bathing your newborn is just as important as feeding and keeping them warm. It's important to keep them clean and hygienic, so they stay healthy and safe.

Giving your baby a sponge bath can be a gentle and calming experience for both you and the baby. Remember to keep all necessary supplies ready, including clean warm water, mild soap, clean towel, diaper, and clothes before beginning the process.

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